James’ bagged Polo
This is only one shot, however I needed to share it.
My friend James and I headed out to a new location so that I could try a style of photography that I haven’t before. Lighting a full car and scenery. We found a beautiful location lined with flowering Jacaranda trees and we got set up.
It took us 2.5 hours to shoot the car as it was my first time in this style, and about 45 images to complete this one picture. Lighting the car in seperate photographs, then the trees, and background/foreground. In then took about another 2.5 hours to put it all together in photoshop. But this is the final result.
With a full airbag setup and a mint set of regamasters this keep it simple setup is beautiful.
Wallpaper size: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sharp_imagery/10326544293/